
Energy Boosting Smoothie

Energy Boosting Smoothie

Are you someone with a poor appetite when getting up in the morning like me? Are you tired of the classic eggs breakfast? Are you always in a hurry in the morning and can’t sit down for a meal? Well for me I fit in all those three categories most of the time and tried different options, but found myself starving just one hour later. The worst of it all, I get so sleepy. Because breakfast is the most valuable meal of the day for nourishing the body and mind, I tried to combine some energy boosting and nutritious ingredients in the recipe I will share with you bellow. This smoothie recipe is loaded in Proteins, Antioxidants, Fiber, Energy boosters and Electrolytes.

You can choose any fruits you like, but in this recipe I chose organic frozen mixed berries for their high antioxidants properties. One cup of mixed berries has half the daily recommendation of vitamin C. The main other ingredients in this recipe are:

Flaxseeds: Excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which acts as anti-inflammatory in our body, contains lignans which are considered as phytoestrogens and may act in preventing cancer cells, reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering cholesterol level. This is the one I get.

Chia seeds: They are known for their ENERGY boosting properties. They help keep you fuller,  and LADIES!, they help you loose belly fat. If you are addicted to CAFEIN it can help you ease your cravings too. This is the one I get.

Almond butter: It’s an excellent alternate source of protein and filled with monounsaturated fat ( one of the good fats) which is a great start for the day.This is the one I get.

Medjool dates: These kind of dates are referred to as the king dates. They are rich in fiber, proteins, potassium, copper mineral,  amino acids, they help you build muscles tone, enhancing you physically, helps maintain normal blood pressure, great food to control sugar cravings, useful for the formation of red cells and estrogen, above all these properties; they contain no fat. This the one I use.

Maca powder: It’s known as “Peruvian Ginseng” high in minerals ( calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus), lipids, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, and up to 20 essential fatty acids. It is usually recommended for people with adrenal fatigue ( so great for boosting energy). It also helps balance hormones and a way to increase fertility ( although it should not be consumed during pregnancy ). This the one I use.

Coconut Milk and: It makes a great Paleo smoothies and a great choice for paleo folks. It’s high in saturated fatty acids which is known to reduce heart disease, may aid in weight loss and improve skin and hair health. Unlike cow’s milk, coconut milk is lactose free so can be a substitute for those with lactose intolerance. Please get the PBA free one if you buy the canned kind. Or go with a DIY one. This the one I use.

Great lake kosher Gelatin: This is my ABSOLUTE favorite when it comes to food supplements, I use it daily and I am amazed about the continually uses i discover for it daily. According to this great book I have read ( THE NOURISHING TRADITIONS) great lake gelatin benefits are:  Great source of protein, amino acids glycine and proline,  can improve digestion, great source of dietary collagen, may help with cellulite and weight loss. This the one I use.

Pepper mint Essential oil: This special wonder gives the smoothie it’s special fresh, breathable, energizing taste. It’s known for SOOTHING digestion, it can improve concentration and mental sharpness, so it’s absolutely great to take in the morning especially if you didn’t get enough sleep. GET IT HERE.

How to make the energy boosting smoothie



Mix all the ingredients in the blender except the gelatin and  the peppermint essential oil. Blend for one minute and then add the the gelatin and peppermint oil and blend for just five seconds.

I hope you will like it. Your opinion is important so please leave your comments and hit the like and share bottom. also follow me on social media for more fun stuff.

If you want to learn more about essential oils please click here.

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Energy Boosting Smoothie


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