
Homemade Greasy Hair Solution

Want fresh hair without getting wet? Do you want a homemade greasy hair solution?  I sure do need that last minute pickup several times a week. I have always had oily, greasy hair and dry shampoo is a necessity in my everyday beauty routine. I recently checked out a store bought version and I was shocked on how awful the ingredients are. I am very carful on what I am putting on my body as the skin is the biggest organ for absorbing chemicals. Pores that are congested and blocked with chemicals and pollutants prevent skin from functioning properly and removing toxins.  Be aware of what you put on your skin, not all the bottles you see at grocery stores that claims they are natural and organic truly are. The word perfume for example can hide up to 300 different chemicals.

I am developing a strong passion for making my own beauty and personal care products and I am so happy about the outcome. Checkout my DIY page here.

I recently suffered from some severe hair thining after having my baby and decided to eliminate all hair products with heavy chemicals. Checkout my post about essential oils for thicker and strong hair. Whenever I don’t have time to make my own I love getting Morroco Method products. They are 100% chimerical free and food based.  Check them out here.

Homemade Greasy Hair Solution

Homemade Dry Shampoo Recipes

For dark/ brown hair 

For Lighter hair

Note: Please mix the ingredients according to the color of your hair. More arrowroot for lighter hair and more of the darker ingredients for darker hair.


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl or container with a lid.
  2. Sprinkle mixture onto scalp and hair roots, then work in with fingertips. You can use a clean makeup brush to apply to the roots. Apply evenly.
  3. Make sure you allow the product to sit for a couple of minutes before styling.
  4. Once it has had a few minutes to work into the hair and roots, make sure you comb or blow-dry it to help it blend well.

Dry shampoo is a great way to get ride of a last minute oily hair and also if you have thin hair like me and blow drying making it flat, dry shampoo is also a great solution. I’s suitable for men, women and kids.

Do you have any recipe you want to share? Please feel free to leave it in a comment.



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