Homemade Moisturizing Hand Soap

Homemade Moisturizing Hand Soap

This Homemade Moisturizing Hand Soap is amazing and very easy to make. Read On ….

Have you ever felt that washing your hands with some toxic soaps is worse than the germs on them? did you know that the very act of washing your hands may actually be making you sick? Most Inti-bacterial hand soaps, sensitizers, wipes have numerous toxins, therefore not affective for washing with them. Before I started making my beauty DIY I started with personal care products first. After successful trials like this amazing recipe I felt the need to make everything myself. It’s becoming a family hobby and the kids enjoy it.  Have you ever considered making your own homemade soap?

The deal with DIY recipes is once you purchase the ingredients, you can use them for several months, so while you are thinking they are maybe pricey, think twice. DIY product last several months and actually save you money.

Homemade Moisturizing Hand Soap Recipe



  • Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy your guilt free natural DIY antibacterial soap.  The castile soap will cause the mixture to look cloudy

Note: You can play around with essential oils, but I recommend that you always add thieves as it’s one of the best oils for cleaning. Young Living has a whole line of cleaning products with thieves. Learn more about young living essential oils here and get started with your oils journey here. The premium starter kit is the best deal ever.

You’ve now reduced toxicity in your home and you have a bit more of your financial resources available to address your family’s needs and to bless others.

Are you looking for some store bought natural hair care for whenever you can’t make your own? checkout morrocco method. They have a great selection with reasonable prices.

If you have any Homemade recipes you want to share, please feel free to leave them in a comment.

PIN IT!Homemade Moisturizing and Foaming Hand Soap

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    1. Thank you for taking the time to write a comment i really appreciate it. Please keep visiting me and let me know if there is any particular recipes you would like me to post.

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