
Holistic seedlings daycare has been created to help families incorporate holistic health practices into their kids’ everyday lives and give them a happy and healthy start. The health of our children is heading in a dangerous direction nowadays. With diets deficient in essential nutrients and elements essential for normal development, kids are suffering from severe mental, emotional and physical illnesses such as obesity, asthma, eczema, cancer, autism, food allergies, behavioral issues etc…

A daycare, where a child spends nine  hours a day and five days a week, should be like a home away from home in every aspect of life. If your child attends daycare for the first three years of their life and being fed junk and highly processed foods then they are definitely set for a not so healthy start.

I don’t know about you, but as a mother and a childcare provider, the state of our kids’ health greatly concerns me.

As a parent, you want to know that your kid is safe, loved, well nourished and most importantly happy. Holistic Seedlings is here to give a flourishing beginning to your little one.

“We need to give kids the experience of what healthy food is. Our kids need to plant it, grow it, and prepare it. It needs to be made affordable.” Barnaby Spring

Contact us to learn more! 



I am Massiva, founder of Holistic Seedlings Montessori inspired daycare in San Francisco, CA, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a Mother of four children. I decided to start Holistic Seedlings to give little ones a flourishing beginning to their lives by applying both my knowledge in early childhood education and Holistic health.

We believe on this quote at Holistic Seedlings, and I hope you do too. “Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” ~ Heather Morgan.